Clean Indoor Air With an AprilAire Space-Gard Air Purifier
Upgrade your Space-Gard Air Purifier today.

Space-Gard® is the former brand name of AprilAire Whole-Home Air Purifiers.
A testament to their superior quality, millions of AprilAire Space-Gard Air Purifiers are still in service today. AprilAire Whole-Home Air Purifiers remain the most effective and efficient way to clean your air and protect your family from harmful indoor pollutants.
Your local Healthy Air Pro can easily retrofit your existing AprilAire Space-Gard Air Purifier with AprilAire's new state-of-the-art filtering media.
* Contaminants removed based on air passing through the filtering system.
Establish a Healthy Home with AprilAire Healthy Air Professionals that care. We have over 4,500 pros nationwide who are ready to help you find the best Healthy Air solutions for your home, no matter what your needs may be. Start your journey with AprilAire.