Making a Difference in Our Communities

Our work is fueled by a passion to make a Healthy Air difference in the lives of our customers, families, and communities.

We hope our efforts inspire you to make a difference in your community.


2023–2024 Signature Project: Seton Program

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St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) of Madison, WI, a long-standing partner, came to us with an opportunity to help support construction of a new building to house its updated St. Elizabeth of Seton Program and other community-focused programs. The centralized Seton Program Service Center will provide homeless families guidance and support as they transition to housing. The new space will house a playroom, private offices for case management, a communal computer workspace, and a group learning space.

Our team was able to donate something no other organization could provide - Healthy Air. In addition to a financial contribution, our engineering team identified the right AprilAire solutions to create a Healthy Air environment for the Seton families and case workers which included Thermostats, Humidifiers, and a Dehumidifier.

Health and Wellness

Supporting the Fight Against Lung Disease

70 employees, family, and friends raised $9K climbing over 162K steps at American Family Field to support the American Lung Association in its efforts to save lives by improving lung health, preventing lung disease, and creating a healthy world for all.

Preventing Cancer Through Radon Awareness

Exposure to radon gas continues to be the #1 cause of lung cancer in nonsmokers. We know getting the word out saves lives. The only way to know if you’re being exposed in your home is to test for this odorless, colorless gas. This past year, we gave out 2,200 FREE Radon Test Kits to attendees of community events.

Supporting the Fight Against Cancer

Our support helped raise nearly $1M at Coaches vs. Cancer sponsored Wisconsin events for this nationwide collaboration between the American Cancer Society and the National Association of Basketball Coaches. This organization works to increase cancer awareness and promote healthy living through year-round awareness efforts, fundraising activities, and advocacy programs.

Community Food Delivery

Our team loads cars with a variety of groceries including dairy, meat, canned goods, and fresh fruits and vegetables every Thursday, rain, shine, or blizzard. In 2023, over 40K people received food support from the St. Vincent de Paul of Madison on Thursdays alone – up a staggering 40% vs. 2022. 

Community Meals Served

On a monthly basis, our team serves a nutritious lunch to over 100 neighbors in need. The Luke House, right down the street from the building where our company began, has been feeding the hungry since 1986. Its mission is simple: feed the hungry, no questions asked. Guests show up and they are fed. No paperwork, no screening. 

Beds Donated to Kids in Need
Beds Donated to Kids in Need

Our team took part in a Sleep in Heavenly Peace event where we built and donated 60 beds with pillows and bedding. The real joy came in delivering them to overjoyed Madison-area children who previously were sleeping on a couch or even the floor.

Holiday Support for Cancer Patients, Families, and Caregivers

  • Our team provided multiple families with children in cancer treatment at American Family Children's Hospital everything needed to celebrate the holidays through the Badger Childhood Cancer Network.
  • We delivered baskets to UW Health and American Family Children's hospitals nurses' stations filled with treats and other pick-me-ups to help the staff get through the busy holiday season
  • Our team gave a boost to over 150 UW Carbone Cancer Center researchers by hosting lunch and handing out Radon Test Kits


Library Support

Our ongoing support for the Madison Library Foundation signature fundraising event helped raise over $100K. Funds provide grants to the library for programs, technology, collections, and enhancements ultimately benefiting the nearly 2 million people who use the resources at the library’s nine locations.

Back-to-School Donation

With employee donations and contributions from our partners Complete Office of Wisconsin, Fiskars, and Camelbak, we were able to provide almost 700 personal care items, as well as gift cards for clothing and athletic gear, and 35 backpacks to local
students to help get the school off to a good start!

Scholarships Awarded

Five new scholarships were awarded to outstanding seniors pursuing a technical or academic education after high school graduation. Our belief in the power of education to make a difference is reflected in our strong, consistent support with 322 scholarships granted since 1938.

  • Two scholarships were awarded to Dane County, Wisconsin seniors honoring Vernon Hellenbrand, past President, and CEO of Research Products Corporation (RPC). The memorial scholarship set up through Junior Achievement reflects the
    importance of connecting business leaders to the educational community.

Environment & Sustainability

Sustainability Efforts

  • Launching in 2024, our next-gen Evaporative Humidifier introduces HydroCore™ technology to deliver industry-leading performance while reducing wastewater by 60%.
  • We are upgrading the refrigerant in our Dehumidifiers to reduce by 66% the Global Warming Potential (GWP). The transition to R32 is underway and projected to wrap up across the full product line by the end of 2024.
  • A team of volunteers helped to restore the prairie at Patrick Marsh located in the Groundswell Conservancy. This beautiful 340 acre wildlife area has more than two miles of trails through the prairie, savannah, and marsh.

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