Wi-Fi Thermostat Works With Google Assistant

Use the simple steps below to enable the AprilAire App on your Google Home device.

Once your AprilAire device has been paired with your Google Assistant, you begin controlling your home's AprilAire Wi-Fi Thermostat using the commands below.


How an AprilAire Wi-Fi Thermostat Works With Google Assistant

Enable the AprilAire Thermostat App on Your Google Assistant:

On Android:

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, touch and hold the Home button or say "Hey Google."
  2. At the top right, tap Settings
  3. In the "Devices" tab, at the bottom right tap Add
  4. Scroll down and tap on the AprilAire App
  5. Sign in with the same credentials as your AprilAire Wi-Fi Thermostat account

On iOS:

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Google Assistant app
  2. At the top right, tap Settings
  3. In the "Devices" tab, at the bottom right tap Add
  4. Tap the type of device you want to connect, then follow the steps.
  5. Sign in with the same credentials as your AprilAire Wi-Fi Thermostat account

How to Change Your Thermostat Name From the AprilAire App

In the event that you are having issues discovering devices or enabling the AprilAire skill, you may need to change the name of your thermostat.

  1. Open the side Navigation menu
  2. Select "Locations"
  3. Hit the right arrow for the location that the thermostat was assigned to
  4. Select the thermostat you want to change the name of (Tip: Highlight the name by pressing on the name, do not hit the right arrow)
  5. Select "Edit"
  6. Enter in the new thermostat name and press "Done" or "Save"

AprilAire Thermostat

Our thermostats make it convenient for you to control your home’s temperature and air quality from wherever you may be to benefit your health and comfort.

airfilters icons cleanair
Indoor Air Quality
thermostat landingpage assets air control
Achieve Energy Efficiency
icon threats
Reduce Wasted Energy
icon comfort
Achieve Comfort
icon preservation
Prevent Hot and Cold Spots
Learn More About Our Thermostats

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