Energy Efficiency at Home
Save energy and money with AprilAire.

A home's rising energy costs can be linked to poor Indoor Air Quality.
A dirty, clogged air filter creates an unexpected strain on your HVAC system. An air filter is designed to capture particulates that flow through your air like dust, allergens, and other debris like pet dander.
Over time, the filter gets clogged as it captures these particulates and it needs to be replaced semi-annually or annually. If the filter is not replaced regularly, that clogged filter makes your HVAC system work harder to heat and cool your home leading to higher energy costs.
Not only do you have more airborne pollutants circulating throughout your home, but you're also paying more in energy costs. After a while, this strain and the buildup of dust and debris can lead to an HVAC system breakdown.
Dry air can also lead to energy inefficiencies inside your home. Dry air makes your home uncomfortable and dries out your nasal cavities making airborne transmission more likely.
Additionally, every four percent increase in humidity lets you decrease your home's thermostat by one degree. For example, if your home's humidity levels are at 26 percent and adjust it to 50 percent, you can subsequently lower your thermostat by 6 degrees.
Energy efficiency can be the first important step to creating Healthy Air inside your home!
Most people are always looking to save money on energy costs. With energy costs as one of the largest burdens on homeowners, AprilAire has several products to help lower that burden.
AprilAire offers ENERGY STAR® certified products that offer energy efficiency at home helping you save on energy costs over the product's lifetime including our e-series Dehumidifiers, 8144NC Ventilator, 8145 and 8145NC Fresh Air Ventilator, and our Ventilating Dehumidifier.
Not only do these products help you save energy, but they can also be partnered with an AprilAire Wi-Fi Thermostat app or an AprilAire Thermostat. This allows you to schedule your home's Indoor Air Quality products so they operate at peak efficiency.
Leveraging Apriliare's technology, innovation, and home energy efficiency products can help you and your family save money on ever-increasing energy costs.
AprilAire products are designed to save energy by operating efficiently. Instead of running constantly, AprilAire products find the optimal time to perform. You can also partner your product with your thermostat or Healthy Air App to monitor performance.
To upgrade your home's HVAC system so you can save energy, contact a local Healthy Air Pro.
Healthy Air System | Wasted Energy | Energy Efficiency Benefits | Zoning Panels | Digital Thermostats
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