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Ideas for Home Gyms: Clean Air Makes the Best Home Workout Equipment!

2 minute read

Are home workouts your thing? We all know the importance of exercising as it relates to an overall healthy lifestyle, but when the summer sun thickens outdoor air or winter weather leads to dry environments, an indoor workout is what you need to stay active and healthy.

Did you know studies show that excessive levels of pollutants, airborne chemicals, and harmful surface bacteria can be found at many fitness centers? Don’t skip your fitness routine as a result! To help ensure your public gym has your health and safety in mind, consider taking precautions like asking about ventilation efforts, avoiding cardio and exercises that involve heavy breathing, and even suggesting natural cleaning products that don’t release VOCs.

Even better: When you’re ready to take your workout indoors and want complete control over your environment, consider the benefits of a home workout. 

Ideas for Home Gyms

What’s the best home workout equipment you should invest in when beginning a home workout routine? Make Healthy Air your spotter for comfort, control, and convenience!

Get to Know the Best Home Workout Equipment 

For the ultimate home workout, consider these ideas for home gym must-haves!

When we breathe and sweat, we add humidity into our air which increases the risk of mold growth and can overheat a home workout space. With an AprilAire Whole-House Dehumidifier, you can lessen your air conditioner’s workload by controlling humidity levels. Every 4% change in humidity equates to a 1-degree shift in perceived temperature against your skin!

Another home workout necessity is an AprilAire Whole-House Air Purifier. When you exercise, you breathe in more air and whatever contaminants or impurities are lurking around you. Air purifiers not only clean the air, but tackle odors, too.

Try Out These Home Workouts With Your Family

Staying active indoors can be hard, especially for kids. Luckily, there are some family-friendly home workouts you can introduce to help them burn off energy! Here are some ideas for home gym use that don’t require equipment:

  • Jump rope for ten minutes—it’s the same as thirty minutes of running
  • Try holding a plank for as long as you can
  • Make ‘power cleaning’ a regular family activity to keep kids’ heart rates up
  • Challenge your kids to lunge from room to room and consider adding weights or water bottles to your routine for increased difficulty
  • Bookmark easy YouTube home workouts to try when stuck inside

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