Getting Started with Healthy Air

Getting started with Healthy Air is to focus on your Healthy Home. 

Today's homes are being built with materials that can increase indoor air pollution, and because they’re being built tighter than ever before, that air pollution has nowhere to escape. It’s no wonder the air in your home can be up to 5x more polluted than the air outside.

Work with custom builders who focus on Healthy Homes for getting started with Healthy Air. 

4 Crucial Components to a Healthy Home:

  • Air Purification
  • Humidification
  • Dehumidification
  • Ventilation

Preventative measures go a long way toward turning your house into a Healthy Home. Those indoor air pollutants we mentioned above? They’re called VOCs – or volatile organic compounds – and they can be very harmful to our health.

Unfortunately, VOCs can be found in the numerous products contractors use to actually build your home. Paints, stains, caulk and adhesives, wood preservatives, carpeting, insulation, flooring, and cleaning supplies all contain VOCs that can off-gas harmful fumes, according to the EPA.

If you’re building a new home, aim to work with builders who specialize in building or renovating Healthy Homes.

Healthy Home builders focus on building safe homes by mitigating indoor air pollution. They take preventative measures by asking manufacturers what is in their products and specifically look for “Low VOC” building supplies. They also make sure to properly install high-efficiency ventilation, allowing your home to inhale fresh air and exhale polluted air more effectively.

Waterproofing and condensation reduction will also be a focus for Healthy Homebuilders as excess moisture can lead to mold growth and other potential indoor air pollutants.

Among other things, notes that Healthy Homebuilders may also conduct third-party, lab-certified indoor air quality tests, install carbon monoxide detectors and power-vented systems to vent air from gas-burning appliances outdoors and test for radon.

If you’re looking for a custom home builder, try any of our Healthy Home partners and breathe easy.

Dos & Don'ts


your research and ask lots
of questions

It’s your home. Find qualified custom home builders and ask lots of questions. Specifically, ask about VOCs, ventilation, and waterproofing to make sure your home is filled with Healthy Air.


forget about air purification

Families who use quality, properly fitting air filters – and replace them often – are more likely to reap the benefits of Healthy Air. Consider using room air purifiers in high-traffic areas to add supplemental bursts of Healthy Air, and avoid room air purifiers that produce “Ozone,” another VOC that’s commonly produced by ionic purifiers in particular.


take humidity seriously

Depending on the climate you live in, you may have different humidification needs than others. Consider your location and seasonal humidity to determine if or when you’ll need a humidifier, a dehumidifier, or both. If so, always aim to keep your humidity between 40% and 60% for the best possible conditions to prevent cold symptoms, dry skin, chapped lips, hay fever, nosebleeds, asthma, allergy flare-ups, and more.


purchase household products

that contain VOCs

While your Healthy Home builder works to keep your home well-ventilated and avoids using building materials that add VOCs to your home, it’s your job to maintain a Healthy Home afterward by continuing to avoid VOCs altogether. Purposefully look for all-natural, organic cleaning products, detergents, paints, stains and other materials that are “Low VOC.”


clean often

Make sure to put all those “Low VOC” cleaning supplies to good use! Allowing dust and other airborne irritants to build up around the house can impact your air quality. Remember – if it’s not in your air, it’s not in your lung. Dust often, wash your bed sheets, and clean up after your pets frequently.


rely on essential oils to

improve air quality

Essential oils haven’t been proven to have any impact on your air quality. They’re not regulated, which means those scented vapors are essentially a mystery. While it’s great that there’s an emphasis being placed on Healthy Air, adding more mystery mist to your air may be more harmful than simply clearing your air altogether.

When you’re thinking about a contractor or designer to work with, you want to make sure they’re also considering health issues.”

Veena Singla, NRDC Staff Scientist


Once your home is filled with Healthy Air, you can start focusing on maintaining a Healthy Home by honing in on other key aspects of wellness like nutrition, exercise, and sleep. Contact a certified AprilAire Healthy Air Professional to get started with your Healthy Home.

Take the First Step