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Best Room Air Purifier for Apartments to Improve Indoor Air Quality

3 minute read

When you live in a city, you get used to being surrounded by people at all times, even when you get home to your apartment. With populations increasing and cities becoming more dense, large numbers of people are forced to live in smaller spaces. And when you have neighbors on all sides in a building, and are likely surrounded by automobile traffic and construction, air quality can be an issue. So if you’ve ever felt the air in your apartment was a little “stuffy”, you’re probably not imagining it. Below we have some of the common causes of poor Indoor Air Quality in city living spaces and the best room air purifier for apartments to help resolve them.

Previous Tenants

You probably don’t want to imagine all the other people who have previously lived in your apartment, but sometimes, it’s hard to ignore them. Smokers, and pet owners, among others, often leave behind a lingering scent. Mold, dust, and other irritants can easily be left behind in carpets, woodwork, and bathrooms.

Best Room Air Purifier for Apartments


Depending on the size of your city, you could have anywhere from dozens of neighbors in the same building to hundreds of people in the same high-rise. Secondhand smoke can easily get into your apartment if any of your nearby neighbors are smokers, or if your apartment is next to a shared patio frequented by smokers.

Building and Construction

The types of chemicals present in your building’s construction largely depend on when it was built. But even in the newest constructions, there can be harmful chemicals in the fire retardants used throughout the building and even in the cleaning supplies that were used to clean your apartment after the previous tenant. Chances are if you’re in a mid-size or larger city, there are construction cranes dotting the skyline. With any new construction, dust, and debris can get kicked up into the air around your apartment and need to be captured by the best room air purifier for apartments.

Cooking and Cleaning

Not all the blame for poor Indoor Air Quality lies elsewhere. Cooking odors and fumes can leak into hallways or pass between open windows, and in addition to being annoying, can irritate allergies and asthma symptoms. It’s important for you to properly ventilate your apartment when cooking and cleaning. Keep the exhaust fan on when cooking and open a window if you’re doing any cleaning with chemicals. These simple steps will help prevent the buildup of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), which are harmful to respiratory and overall health.

How to Improve Air Quality in Your Apartment:


This is especially true in apartments, where the small rooms can more easily trap pollutants. You can offset this by opening windows when weather allows, or trying to use a fan to circulate the air. This will help clear out or at least dilute the levels of irritants in the air.

Use a Room Air Purifier for Apartments

Concerned about secondhand smoke or residue from building materials? Get a purifier that filters particulates and chemicals from the air.

Our Allergy Room Purifier is the best room air purifier for an apartment for anyone with allergies or anyone who’s concerned with the air in their apartment. It captures common allergy and asthma triggers things like dust, mold, and pet dander.

Air Quality Test Kit

Once you know what pollutants are lingering in your environment, you’ll be able to take the necessary steps to remove them. And remember, sometimes that means alerting your landlord or property manager to make sure your building is up to code.


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