Think of your fresh air ventilation as an intricate set of lungs — it helps your home inhale good air and exhale bad air. Today’s tightly constructed homes are great for lowering energy costs but trap air pollution within your home resulting in poor Indoor Air Quality. In fact, the EPA estimates that the air inside your home is up to 5 times more polluted than the air outside. Contaminants inside your home's air may include volatile organic compounds, airborne viruses, dust, mold, and odors. 

Breathe Healthy Air with fresh air ventilation




Proper Ventilation Helps Reduce:

  • Airborne Viruses
  • Dust and Dust Mites
  • Carbon Monoxide
  • Tobacco Smoke
  • Ozone
  • Pollen
  • Pet Dander
  • Mold Spores
  • Odors

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, U.S. National Library of Medicine, there are three types of ventilation systems: natural, mechanical, and mix-mode ventilation. Natural ventilation refers to windows or screen doors that allow fresh air to flow naturally into your home. Mechanical ventilation uses a mechanical fan to push fresh air into your home. Mixed-mode ventilation uses a combination of the two to supply Healthy Air.


Benefits of Mechanical Ventilation

AprilAire’s ventilation systems use mechanical ventilation to push fresh air into your home. With proper maintenance, mechanical ventilation systems allow airflow to be controlled more easily, ensuring your family is breathing Healthy Air.

By regularly replacing your air filters, you’re ensuring the air you breathe is free from microorganisms, odors, and vapors regardless of weather, changes in humidity, or outdoor air pollution.

Reduce In-Home Moisture

Mechanical ventilation also helps remove excess moisture from your home. Without it, trapped excess moisture lingers in your home creating favorable conditions unhealthy air, discomfort, and structural issues.

Excess moisture can make you ill and may result in expensive home repairs. 

Don't let excess moisture weigh you down any longer.

Dos & Don'ts


consider the size of your home and its location when installing a ventilation system

Larger homes and extreme climates may cause your ventilation system to work inefficiently. If you live in a larger home and/or an extreme climate, you may want to look into an energy-efficient system that will help you maintain Indoor Air Quality and save you money.


forget to make sure your ventilation is up to code

Fresh air ventilation systems are recommended by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) and required by California Energy Commission Title 24. AprilAire ventilation equipment meets these requirements of the International Residential Code as well as the International Energy Conservation Code.


frequently clean out dryer vents to maintain constant ventilation

In fact, you may also want to consider using more eco-friendly and plant-based laundry solutions. Anytime you smell that “fresh laundry” smell, your family is inhaling chemicals. Consider using less volatile cleaning products at home like this DIY fabric softener to increase Indoor Air Quality.



make sure gas, propane, and wood smoke ventilate outdoors

It’s important to minimize the source of indoor air pollutants in your home. Forcing these pollutants to ventilate outdoors provides greater Indoor Air Quality for you and your family.


forget to install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors throughout your home

A great ventilation system helps maintain a Healthy Home, but it will not help in every emergency situation. Take every precaution.


open windows and use a fan to add extra ventilation

Whenever you're painting, gluing, or using non-eco-friendly cleaning supplies you are releasing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the air. Properly ventilate to keep VOCs manageable.  

 ...the proper design, operation and maintenance of the ventilation system is essential in providing indoor air that is free of harmful concentrations of pollutants."

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


Without ventilation, your tightly-sealed home is subject to stale and stagnant polluted air. By properly ventilating your home, you’re filling it with fresh, breathable air while simultaneously maintaining airflow and removing harmful indoor air pollutants. Used in conjunction with the AprilAire Healthy Air System™, you can even reduce the risk of airborne viruses such as the flu and common cold. 

Find a local Healthy Air Pro to install a fresh air ventilator in your home. 

Find a Pro

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The information contained on the AprilAire website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment in any manner. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition. All information is for informational and educational purposes only and any use thereof is solely at your own risk.