Whole-Home Humidifiers

Dry winter air can impact respiratory health, energy costs, and structural damage. Using a whole-home humidifier in your Healthy Home can help reduce respiratory issues

Whole-Home Humidifiers Help Reduce:

  • Dust Mites
  • Allergens
  • Asthma Symptoms
  • Odors
  • Energy Costs
  • House Damage

Your indoor humidity should always be between 40% and 60%. In dry climates or winter weather, you’ll want to add more humidity to keep your Healthy Home comfortable. This not only prevents the spread of airborne bacteria and viruses that can make us sick. It can also help moisten the air passages in our sinuses and quality of sleep especially for those with sleep apnea

Not only can improving your home’s humidity improve your family’s wellness, it can also help you save money during the wintertime and even prevent any damage to your home.

According U.S. News, “The air inside your home can become very dry. Moist air feels warmer and holds heat better, so a humidifier can help you feel comfortable when your thermostat is set at a lower temperature.

Humidity can also prevent wood from cracking, paint from chipping, and eliminate that annoying static shock that zaps you throughout the day.

Dos & Don'ts


install a whole-home humidifier to relieve your home of indoor air pollutants

Many whole-home humidifiers offer easy, programmable solutions via their accompanying thermostats, offering better humidity control throughout the day


neglect the warning signs

Static shock, cracks in the floorboards, creaky furniture, chipped paint, or dry skin and sinuses could indicate dry air.


aim to keep your humidity between 40% and 60%

Whether you’re trying to reduce humidity in the summertime with a dehumidifier or you’re trying to increase humidity in the wintertime with a humidifier, the ideal humidity range for your Healthy Home is between 40% and 60%. If your indoor humidity is outside of this range, your Indoor Air Quality is at risk.


forget to clean or replace your water panel regularly

Most humidifiers come with a water panel. Some humidifier filters are washable, while others need to be replaced entirely. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the frequency of this cleaning or exchange to maximize the effectiveness of your humidifier.

Your airways are lined with a thin layer of fluid. When you breathe in dry air, that fluid evaporates faster than it can be replaced. Dry airways become irritated and swollen, which worsens asthma symptoms.”



Maintain family wellness in your Healthy Home. Whole-home humidifiers offer a great healthy home solution for those who suffer in dry climates or from dry indoor conditions during winter. Enjoy the benefits of improved Indoor Air Quality as well as lower energy costs, fewer incidents of dry skin, respiratory infections, and better quality of sleep.

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