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2020 Holiday Season: How to Be Happy and Healthy and Stay Safe

3 minute read

The COVID-19 pandemic has turned 2020 into a uniquely tough year. With the stress and isolation many of us are experiencing, the 2020 holiday season might seem like the perfect remedy to boost our spirits. However, as cases continue to rise across the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has released a set of recommendations to keep in mind when planning your seasonal gatherings.

These recommendations continue to emphasize the importance of handwashing, mask-wearing, and keeping at least six feet apart from those you don’t share a living space with. Some added safety measures include: evaluating community transmissions, considering guests’ recent behavior/exposure, as well as limiting the location, duration, and size of your gatherings.

Whether you’ll be celebrating with just your household or completely alone, following these guidelines and modifying your traditional holiday plans to reduce the spread of COVID-19 can help keep your friends, family, and communities happy and healthy.

Here are some festive ways to still celebrate and make memories together.

Recommendations for the 2020 Holiday Season

Virtual Togetherness

By this point, we’re all pretty familiar with the group video platforms that we prefer. Here are some ideas for what you can virtually share with family and friends:

  • Schedule a video dinner party with friends or family
  • Share recipes of everyone’s favorite dish from the meal for the ultimate menu for future holidays
  • Say something you’re thankful for or reminisce about some of your favorite holiday traditions that you’re looking forward to doing again next year
  • Play a game to keep the party going

Household Fun

If the thought of spending your holiday with the same people you’ve spent the last nine months with doesn’t sound like much of a celebration, try some of these ideas to change things up:

  • Let kids help in the kitchen
  • Get out all your seasonal decorations and let the whole family help. You can even get creative by turning household items into decorations to avoid going out to buy more.
  • Weather permitting, do something fun outside or active together: scavenger hunt, bike ride, lawn games. Maybe you can even make shoveling snow a “fun family activity”

Party of One

If you find yourself alone for the 2020 holiday season, it doesn’t mean you don’t have reasons to celebrate.

  • Choosing to spend the holidays alone is probably for a loved one’s sake and that is important to keep in mind if you start to feel lonely
  • Make good use of technology so you don’t have to miss out on all the love that’s spread on holidays
  • Acknowledge the uniqueness of this year. It is not forever, it is just for right now
  • Embrace your freedom to have a day to yourself and make it your own. Get back into a passion project, play your favorite video games, or schedule your own movie marathon
  • Don’t be afraid to cook yourself a delicious meal with all your traditional favorites. You can always freeze the leftovers


Thankfully, we live in a time when shopping from home has never been easier and there will be lots of chances to cross off that gift-giving list.

  • Shop all the sales and price drops online
  • Utilize in-store or curbside pick-up for items that are unable to ship
  • Hold a Zoom shopping party with friends or family so you can all do your sale-hunting “together” in the comfort and safety of your own homes

Gift Giving

The 2020 holiday season will most likely look different when it comes to the amount and the type of gifts being given due to so many families struggling financially and people’s priorities shifting.

  • Don’t try to prove your love with gifts; stick within your budget no matter how tight that is this year
  • Try virtual gift exchanges after mailing gifts to your loved ones or send IOUs/rain checks for when you can finally spend time together
  • Give a gift that will keep on giving: Healthy Air. The AprilAire Healthy Air System®, and AprilAire air filters or room air purifiers are gifts that can help you and your family stay healthy at home during this holiday season and into the new year.

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